Online Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Breath Work & Yoga Trainer

Lower Stress with The Relaxation Response

In 1915 Harvard researcher, Dr Walter Cannon identified the ‘Fight or Flight’ physiological stress response in humans. Through research, Dr Cannon discovered that this survival response is triggered in perceived dangerous situations and includes:

  • An urge to fight or flee
  • A release of hormones
  • A marked increase in heart rate
  • Raised bold pressure
  • Adrenaline induced energy release
  • Sweat glands being activated & pupils dilating

It is our brain that lets our body know when we are in danger and our body responds dutifully by activating our sympathetic nervous system. This was very helpful survival technique for our ancestors and more presently when we are faced with imminent danger, however, it can be harmful to the body if it is called on too often.

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Self-care for Fertility

It can be helpful to establish a self-supportive plan as we can only draw water from a well with water in it. Making time to nature yourself and your relationship ensures that you have the resources to optimise fertility and increase your confidence as you go through a treatment process. Having a sense of closeness to ourselves and other also increases self-acceptance and personal fulfilment.

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