Mindfulness Yoga in your Office
Reduce workplace stress, increase strength and flexibility and improve concentration and mood with Mindfulness Yoga on your lunchbreak.
Ann Bracken is a Yoga Teacher, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Trainer and Psychotherapist. She combines Mindfulness with Yoga to ensure you feel better, more confident and relaxed after your yoga class. Ann previously worked in BBC, RTE and also in Hospital and private clinic settings and understands the benefits of taking time-out for self-care and nurture to enhance your working experience and improve your overall mind-body health and wellness.
To book lunchtime Mindfulness Yoga for your office, contact Ann Bracken directly.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – 8 x Weeks/2 Hours(evenings) per week
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction was developed by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn at the Centre for Mindfulness in Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. This eight week course provides an easy to follow training on how to integrate and benefit from Mindfulness in your daily life. Research has shown that Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction benefits individuals psychological and emotional wellbeing and physical health.
Ann Bracken has teacher training status in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) from Bangor University, Wales.
On the Mindfulness Training programme you will learn how to observe your thoughts and belief patterns and to observe rather than engage with ways of thinking and being that may not serve you. You will learn how to let go of self-criticism and develop a more compassionate internal dialogue as you become more ‘non-judgemental’ towards yourself or your experience. The Mindfulness training also includes some gentle Mindful movement.
The next Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) – 8 Week Training Programme begins in February 2018 in Sandyford, Dublin.
Contact, Ann Bracken for bookings and more information.

Sing from your Heart
A One Day Mindfulness & Singing Workshop for Company Wellness & Team Building Days
Enjoy a day of mindfulness practice & movement combined with vocal work, song and breathing technique designed to release your true voice and enhance your singing confidence and potential. Facilitated by Choral Conductor and Voice Teacher, Anthony Norton and Mindfulness Trainer, Therapist & Author, Ann Bracken.
An ideal workshop for all those who delight (or want to!) in singing. Singing and Mindfulness are proven to reduce stress. Find your voice to sing with confidence either alone, in groups or in choirs. This Mindfulness & Singing Workshop is ideal for those with previous experience or none!
“The Mindfulness and Singing day course was a full success Wonderful inward looking awareness in body scan and sensing your voice as well as gorgeous sound filled with abandon and joy!”
– A Roswitha-Power, participant 2018
Contact Ann Bracken for Bookings & More Information.

Fertility Counselling Training
1-3 Days Training Modules
Ann Bracken, Specialist Fertility Author, Psychotherapist (for Lister Fertility Hosp. London, Sims IVF and Beacon Care) & Assoc. Lecturer Glendwr Uni. Wales provides training in the specialist area of Fertility Counselling support which affects 1 in 6 couples worldwide. Symptoms can include fertility related stress, relationship problems, depression, anxiety, social isolation, anger, panic attacks and grief. Internationally accredited with BICA, workshop trainer, Ann Bracken is also an accredited clinical supervisor, EMDR Trauma Therapist, Mindfulness yoga teacher and Director of The Mind-Body Health & Wellbeing Centre, Wicklow.
Contact Ann Bracken for Bookings & More Information.